For sole proprietors

If you already are or are planning to become a sole proprietor (a self-employed person, FIE in Estonian), you can find all the information about entrepreneurship, registration as a sole proprietor and tax liabilities on this page. You may also find the sole proprietor's tax calendar and advice about keeping accounts, submitting declarations and paying taxes helpful.


The content of the handbook opens from the menu below. Click on the arrow symbol to display the subtopics.

Tax incentives for sole proprietors

FIE maksuarvestust võivad mõjutada järgmised asjaolud:

Kui erikonto võimaldab koguda raha suuremate investeeringute tarbeks, siis täiendavad mahaarvamised on otseselt seotud põllumajandusliku tootmise, Natura 2000 erametsamaa toetuse ning metsamaterjali ja raieõiguse müügituluga.

Last updated: 26.07.2022

Last updated: 14.07.2023

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